Yellow onion onion, flavored with crushed pepper. It goes well with roasted or grilled chicken. Also for steaks and other meats. Try to warm it up as well.
Product of region Haná.
6.20 € (155 Kč)
Pepper-onion classic
Yellow onion onion, flavored with crushed pepper. It goes well with roasted or grilled chicken. Also for steaks and other meats. Try to warm it up as well.
Product of region Haná.
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Green Tree Food, s.r.o.
Za Velodromem 2 796 01
Otevírací doba
Každou středu 10 – 18 hod.
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Tel.: 728 883 893, 602 560 175
IČ: 27737411
Za Velodromem 2 Prostějov
796 01 Prostějov