It is the processing of onion in the form of jam (or rather jam because it contains pieces of onion), flavoured with spices, wine, sugar, and other ingredients.
It is the processing of onion in the form of jam (or rather jam because it contains pieces of onion), flavoured with spices, wine, sugar, and other ingredients.
We make cibulada from both types of onion: the yellow one and the finer red one. It doesn’t contain any artificial colouring or preservatives. For children we have a plum snack in form of povidláky (plum jam) and čokopovidláky (chocolate plum jam).
It is suitable for hot and cold cuisine
It is delicious for different types of cheese.
You can use it as a filling for savoury cakes and pies.
It perfectly matches the taste of grilled or baked meat.
Poddejte se chuti nejlepších pralinek. Máte raději sněhově bílou, skutečně mléčnou, anebo hořkou, až z ní trne jazyk? U nás si každý přijde na své.
Green Tree Food, s.r.o.
Za Velodromem 2 796 01
Otevírací doba
Každou středu 10 – 18 hod.
případně telefonická domluva
Tel.: 728 883 893, 602 560 175
IČ: 27737411
Za Velodromem 2 Prostějov
796 01 Prostějov